• tonylamar
  • is Urging people not to wait till God is all you have left, to realize He's all you ever needed.


This is the celebration of a life, of a gift to the world given
But recieved only of the world when he was no longer living

Recieved and still as yet to be accepted, yet to be embraced
The profound destructive tearing down of a psychological wall that seperated race

This is the celebration of whom half the world cried
But the other half rejoiced with a single voice because, this man of God died

You see this man of God, he died to himself
because he lived for the Lord and everyone else

His vision from heaven sent in a dream
with the view of the mountain top and although it would seem

That the idea and the mission for a better life to bring
One of Love out of hate by a man, a servant yet a King

Would be accepted and yes it would begin
To destroy a disease of the mind and all mankind would win

There'd be rejoicing in the streets, the celebration of rights victory over wrong
But instead over 30 years later, a different King
would sing a song after being brutally beaten by his protectors he would plead "cant we all just get along"

And I say cant we all just take a minute everyday and just pause
And give homage to the mission, to the cause that changed laws

To this servant and his obedience to the death to let our freedom ring
And celebrate not just on his birthday but every day, the life of Martin Luther King

And lets strive on today, this day to bring forth the vision of the past
So we we can all join hands and sing..
"Free at last, Free at last, Thank God almighty We're free atlast!

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Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

tonylamar’s Poems (8)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Reading inbetween the lines of "My Country Tis Of Thee" 1
Why Do Our Children Fail? 0
I Want To Know Again 3
I Believe 1
Relationship Homicide 2