when it was simple


when it was simple

Everything was simple when love was young, when love was blind.
saying i love you, was like saying goodbye. it never hurt anyone.
we didnt wish to take it back it was so care free something so un-complicated.
until i turned the corned, bumped into the wall,tripped over my laces, did a nose-dive down some stairs, and fell long and hard for... you.

now i'm looking through a sideways window,
upside down and backwards at the same time
my brain hasn't stopped swimming around my head
i can never seam to keep my laces tied and
i cant seam to walk down stairs anymore

and i blame you, and this idea of love that you got stuck in my head
that word, isnt the same anymore sometime between then and now it changed
now saying it can free you, can hurt you, can confuse you, mislead you, and even distory you. now such a word is often felt but seldom heard
mostly out of fear. fear of loss, rejection, humility or even trust.

Such a word can start out so innocent and yet become so currupted
so much confusion behing such a small-once simple- little word.
leaves to wonder if it's a feeling better left un-felt and un-heard.

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angel33614 commented on when it was simple


When is love ever simple??? it is only simple in the begining because it is blind... I have learned the hard way there are many different forms of what we call love, some healthy and some that will tear the very flesh from our skins. That is why they say love is blind, in the begining it is very difficult to tell between the two. I love this poem, great use of emotion! i can really feel you fustration and pain, confusion, agony, love torment, all in one... Very true point you make as well, in the begining things are soo simple, why do we always have to make things soo complicated in our lives? Another life leason, been there, and done it... I really do enjoy your poems, very heartfelt and full with truth and raw emotion. I feel as though you wear your emotions on your sleve, you are like a book open for all to see. Yet I can bet most people don't understand you at all, most are blind to you. I bet you would say u hide your emotions, yet it couldn't be farther from the truth, your emotions are bare and free, just most don't relate and are too blinded by the light as to see the truth... purity of the soul and journey well...



Thanks Again. :D yea i kinda do keep my emotions on my sleve mostly in writing i hate people seeing me look weak. guess its the stubborn Irish in me.

Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

UntouchedSoul’s Poems (15)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Empty Promises (Revised) 3
Your Silence 4
Lost 6
A happy face 2
You 3
Hidden 4
Love is a killer 2
Love, Cant Help You Now 4
A Dream-Like State 2
Dreams 5
Empty Promises 4
when it was simple 2
A dark new place 2
..Loveless 2
My Gem 3