


You tried to capture a dream
for a short time you held it in your hands
and kept it close to your heart
but dreams are made of such fragile stuff
the gossamer wings of a dream cant survive
the elements of the world
perhaps you held it too tightly, afraid it would elude you
perhaps it suffocated because you didn't keep it alive because you were afraid
by allowing it to grow and florish perhaps you didn't watch over it closely enough because you felt it was your and always would be
in your disregard it dropped and shatteredbut if you moved very quickly
you may have picked up the pieces to build that dream again
but if you didn't it may have been crushed and trampled
and now you weep for the loss of a dream that consumed your soul
for the memory of a passion that drove you on to greater heights
and made the world seem so very beautiful for you
no feeling that touched your heart so deeply could be gone and forgotten
dont cry now because your dream is gone rejoice because it was
though you no longer hold it in your hands
it will be in your heart forever someday in a diffrent place and time
if you faithfully believe, your dream may be born again
the next time the dream comes alive it will survive

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carynontherhine commented on Dreams


I love this write! Especially the ending about how the next time the dream comes alive it will survive! Falling deep into the poem and enjoying the dream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Thank you for the write.

angel33614 commented on Dreams


another truely inspiring masterpiece! it is admazing you are only 22, you have pure talent. I feel that you don't really write poems, you live them. they are apart of you, an expression of your true self, your inner thoughts, desires, emotions, pain, agony, love. your poems are you, in the very purest form. To dream is to imagine ourselves greater, an evolution of desire. A dream can never be contained or captured, it can not be defined nor relayed, it is an expression of our hearts desire. to try and confine a dream you kill it, dreams are only alive when they are free within out hearts and souls. dreams are fragile only because of our fragile state of mind, dreams themselves are immortal and eternal. Being born of the flesh, we often live of the flesh and thus we die of the flesh, ash to ash, dust to dust... when we try to relate to the ideal of dreams with the constraints of our body the dream becomes contained and thus dies, for dreams to live they have to be transended by our soul and hearts and be set free, only then can we truely obtain our dreams...



Yea sometimes its hard for me to beileve im only 22 :) the things ive gone thru in my years, but i guess everyone at one point losses themselves to temptaion, and give into false promises which leads to a very rough road ahead im just kinda glad in a way that i went thru what i did, its made me a little stronger person, sure it took me awhile to adjust, and with recent events will yet, but i got time to make things better.

thecross commented on Dreams


A passionate and in depth write packed with solid emotion, geat write.



Thank-you. :D

Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

UntouchedSoul’s Poems (15)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Empty Promises (Revised) 3
Your Silence 4
Lost 6
A happy face 2
You 3
Hidden 4
Love is a killer 2
Love, Cant Help You Now 4
A Dream-Like State 2
Dreams 5
Empty Promises 4
when it was simple 2
A dark new place 2
..Loveless 2
My Gem 3