Empty Promises


Empty Promises

i'll get get down on my knees if thats what you want.
i'll get on my hands and knees and beg you to stay
i'll beg you to forgive me for crimes i didn't commit
i'll plead for you not to leave, i'll promise you the world
i'll promise to never throw a temper tantrum
i'll promise never to get even... and while i'm at it
i'll promise to let you walk all over me, control me.
i'll promise to never confront you of your lies.
i'll promise to give up all my friends to be at your every call.
i'll get down on my knees and give up my life for you, if you want it.
but, my heart won't let me make that mistake again

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gregster commented on Empty Promises


I LIKE THIS ,.read cannot let go on my list..and my last 4 poems....you are a great poet awesome job




angel33614 commented on Empty Promises


Another great poem! Good for you! Soo many women would go running right back to a jerk like that, I never really have understood that. You are truely wise beyound your years... Even myself I learned the really hard way it is not worth losing yourself over someone else, to give up who you are, your very life's soul just for another. I didn't learn that one till i was in my late 20's and only after about 7 years of living hell in which I met the very Devil himself and swam in the pits of hell as a pool. i lost everything, I lost the very essense of who i was, I gave my soul to the devil and for what? To be stomped on and my heart torn beating from my chest. Sorry to ramble about myself, just really hits home! Back to u... You truely have a brave heart abd spirit if you were able to come to such a realization. Purity in soul, journey well into the night...



Thanks your comments are really appreciated :) yea oddly enough i have been told that im wise beyond my years alot recently. and i'm coming to learn its true, i was always told by the person i was with that i was acting like a child and that i needed to grow up.. sure i have my kiddish moments but i had a hard childhood and never time to be a kid.. its always hard going thru a gut wrenching relationship where u feel like they took everything and your a whole nother person from when it began, but atleast the pain is over and theres time to heal, only if you dont pick at the scabs :D

jam4muzic commented on Empty Promises


wow! i like the beginning repetition. and you used simple words with a BIG meaning when put together. i like what it says. you made a mistake and you know better now. cool!



Thanks, yea i was trying to go for something simple but yo the point, tho i know im gonna look back later and wanna change it. :D

Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

UntouchedSoul’s Poems (15)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Empty Promises (Revised) 3
Your Silence 4
Lost 6
A happy face 2
You 3
Hidden 4
Love is a killer 2
Love, Cant Help You Now 4
A Dream-Like State 2
Dreams 5
Empty Promises 4
when it was simple 2
A dark new place 2
..Loveless 2
My Gem 3