Whats So Perfect About You?


  • Anger
    • alexan
    • life is not a dream, people would say. I confused my reality with my dreams. Isan't that a bad thing? I don't really think so because deja vu really happens, its true

    Poem Commentary

    this is about one of those boys that want to be all that

    Whats So Perfect About You?

    Big eyes,
    Light skin,
    Deep eyelashes,
    Soft lips,
    Soft skin,
    Hazel sparkling eyes,
    Nice clothes,
    Smooth voice,
    and.....a low cut...

    Whats' so speical about you?
    Just because you have those beautiful eyes
    Doesn't mean you can get whatever

    Whats' speical about your skin?
    Your no speical then anyone eles

    Who do you think you are?
    What do you think you are?

    I say a nobody
    People say' OH snap he's sooo hot' or Oh My Gawd, he's sooo adorable'


    Who are you?
    What are you?, some kind of angel
    Whats' so good about your eyes, your skin, your everything

    Whats' so perfect about you.........?...................

    Poem Comments


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    tierra7 commented on Whats So Perfect About You?


    this is a nice write, i agree w/ cliftondurant 's comment..TRUE .beauty is deep in ones Heart..., beauty on the outside can hide what is in the inside and sometimes it isn't very nice!!! get to know ones heart before hand...one's character lives within...otherwise excellent write!!



    thanks tierra... you also speak the truth..

    786mona commented on Whats So Perfect About You?


    wow, it is like you are asking this question to your loved one meaning you know what i mean...:) well good poem,, adn great writing:) 10 for you!



    wait hold up i don't like him he's stuck up and everything, but he's cute,,,, thanks for the comment

    cliftondurant commented on Whats So Perfect About You?


    sound like somebody got a chrush that's a good question to ask but true beauty is in side



    nah he's kinda cocky and stuck up

    Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

    Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

    alexan’s Poems (25)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
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    Childhood Memories 3
    CRAZY 1
    05/05/2010 1
    UnForgiven People 0
    My Hands Tell a Story Part 1 1
    ........In a Way
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    Silent Cancer In A Little Girls Shoes 2
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    Why Can't You Love Me 3
    See Me Through My Soul 0
    Rain 0
    Ignore me if you can 1
    What ever I do, I keep holding on 0
    Someone is there 0
    Whats So Perfect About You? 3
    Don't Put On a Fake Smile 2
    Livin in a fairy tale......NOT
    Love, Loss, Pain...Only 3 simple steps 1
    Me, Myself and I 2
    Do you see me? 1
    Listen To what I have to say 3
    How It Feels To Be In A Neighborhood Like Mine 6