My Hands Tell a Story Part 1


  • Other
    • alexan
    • life is not a dream, people would say. I confused my reality with my dreams. Isan't that a bad thing? I don't really think so because deja vu really happens, its true

    Poem Commentary

    this is true....

    My Hands Tell a Story Part 1

    My hand is scarred burns of when i was born.
    I was consumed to belive that i was burned with the sparks of a pot.
    But my truth only begins.,...

    I was burned by light. My hands coul tell. I have wholes in my face.
    But my skin is no tell. My hands do a dance. When a story I do tell.
    Is how I know myself so well. My fngers sing a lullub when i type those words. But when i look at m hand. Does it say its own wordz?

    Black spots all over my hands. Does it even know why it hurts when it dace? The black spots are a disease that I carry. Some say I'm a monster by the look of my face. Some say I'm a creature cause of the scars on my body. No one can take me infor who I am.

    When my hand dance. Its a lulliby. Every word I type. Is another line, another day another scar. When will it end? Pain runs threw my hands. They tell a story with that pain. The dots are just a burn from when i was born. The eyes of my skin type the next word of my beginning. A new story. My Beginning....

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    samstone1977 commented on My Hands Tell a Story Part 1


    This was interesting. I think you meant could tell on this line t. My hands coul tell. . Good meaning. The structure was a little different in my eyes. Overall- not bad. - Sam



    thanx! i like trying new things. And I did mean that thanx!

    Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

    Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

    alexan’s Poems (25)

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