Do you see me?


  • alexan
  • life is not a dream, people would say. I confused my reality with my dreams. Isan't that a bad thing? I don't really think so because deja vu really happens, its true

Poem Commentary

This is a poem of how my love was once lost.... I loved him dearly, but he couldn't see through my soul... I saw his.... Man whore.... lust for all the girls in his class.... I nearly cried...

Do you see me?

I used to go to the worst school in the lower,east,side
I was there frome 1st to 5th
I had liked a boy named Daneil
He was the most popular boy in school

We only talked to eachother alot in 2nd grade
But when we got to 5th
It was the worst
Me and Daneil used to be like 1 person together

Then it ended
He was dating Michelle
He didn't pay attention to me at all

He would stare at me

I would stare

Then he glares

I look away

I thought I was in luv
But he told me
" I don't even know you so go away"

I just turned and went to sit by myself over at the end of the table by myself from that day forward

Only saying 4 words

'do you see me?'
'Do you  see me ?'

Then I got mad and became emo

All.....Because......Of.......Just lovin an old best friend

He had to be so mean to me

All I did was love
And I lost that many years ago

do you love me
do you like me
do you want me

Daneil Decena

I still Love You
Do you see Me NOW!!

I love you...<3

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Chaos128 commented on Do you see me?


Your most important job, Brookie, is to love yourself. I don't mean you should act like the sun rises and sets on you, but you've got to look at your life as a your life is a movie and in that movie, you've got to be the star. You can't let your opinion of yourself be decided by other people. Your poem is very touching.



everything you say is soooo have this gift

Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

Unknown Source

alexan’s Poems (25)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Maybe, But Its me 1
Childhood Memories 3
05/05/2010 1
UnForgiven People 0
My Hands Tell a Story Part 1 1
........In a Way
Tattoo 1
Silent Cancer In A Little Girls Shoes 2
Except Who I am 0
LoL 0
Why Can't You Love Me 3
See Me Through My Soul 0
Rain 0
Ignore me if you can 1
What ever I do, I keep holding on 0
Someone is there 0
Whats So Perfect About You? 3
Don't Put On a Fake Smile 2
Livin in a fairy tale......NOT
Love, Loss, Pain...Only 3 simple steps 1
Me, Myself and I 2
Do you see me? 1
Listen To what I have to say 3
How It Feels To Be In A Neighborhood Like Mine 6