Waiting For A Phonecall (that never came)


  • Lost Love

    Waiting For A Phonecall (that never came)

    Sounds are magnified.
    Words slip through my brain.
    I touch my feelings probingly... tenderly
    like a tooth freshly missing.

    The pain is held at bay for now
    though I know that all too soon
    humming lamps and creaking boards
    will give way to sorrow and anger and fear

    My attention drifts away and back
    on the tide of consciousness.
    Losing contact with a painful reality
    and returning... curious... to see if it remains.

    The dark within me swirls
    and dredges up old memories
    to take me away from the losses of now
    and into the dealt-with abandonment.

    Trash lies heaping about me
    in bundles and piles and disarray.
    Useless artifacts of useless days
    doing useless things, to forget...

    The clock ticks and words from songs
    dance through my head
    I look for some anchor, some handhold,
    someplace to tie my sanity down

    Ramblings put in permanent form
    fill the ticks of the clock and
    the light of the humming lamp
    and mar the pages before me

    I light the fire and set heat
    to burn away the uncertainty
    of decision based on too few facts
    and I float on the heavy scent.

    Reality - always a short distance away
    becomes hazier and more distant yet
    like ashes in the mouth of god.
    Eternal soot rains down in my soul.

    The mirror only helps to see behind you
    and the eyes are the mirror of the soul.
    Ninety percent of all suicides are caused
    by looking back into your own eyes.

    Senseless chaos leads to emotional withdrawal.
    So does purposeful order, if taken too seriously.
    What, then, does it matter how we reach
    so coveted a state as denial?

    In the end what is there,
    in this cumbersome world,
    that is worth holding on to?
    Yet, still we struggle to hold on...

    Why can't I turn off my head
    and lose myself in sweet oblivion?
    Even those dreams that come
    give fair relief from reality gone bad.

    Time passes, but slowly,
    so very slowly does it creep up
    behind us and plant its heavy
    boot in our nethermost juncture.

    Observations made in this mischievious vacuum
    of intellect and humours, ill or well,
    cannot lead me to the peace
    that I pray waits on the other side.

    Light leads us from darkness,
    but darkness shelters us from the
    harsh light of truth when we
    cannot stand the perceptions it offers us.

    Lingering and malingering are the same
    when describing thoughts, and memories,
    and all things immaterial, and all
    things that feed (or feed from) the soul.

    The soft light of a meditation candle,
    a focus, and the scent of a familiar incense
    cannot make the taste and smell of
    corrupted memory or lost devotion leave me.

    The numbness in my joints
    gives me pause... reminding me
    that physical reality does not ever
    really leave us to grieve.

    I have too often wondered how the
    great bards and poets of history
    managed to turn out such wit and wisdom -
    They were depressed and oppressed into it!

    In the minimal input of this place
    I find that running from the trancw
    and the revelations that it brings
    is my first and most desperate priority.

    The pages fill quicker and quicker
    the ink darkens the page and overflows
    the darkness of the mind whence it flows.
    Still I fear and grieve and hate and...

    The intensity has, at last, begun to die down
    ad soon the worries of the day will
    take their toll and I will slip into
    a better world of my own making.

    Do not allow the words of others to succor you
    into desperate belief... for they lie.
    Do not allow the fulfilled and satisfied emotions
    to lift you too high... for you shall fall.

    I am so tired now that perhaps
    I should lie down and take the weary
    thoughts out of my head until they -
    and I - are no more.

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    The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

    Malakki’s Poems (6)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
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