Breathing Meditation


  • Health

    Breathing Meditation

    Ever on the verge of a yawn or a sigh,
    the Universe breathes through us;
    tasting the wind of our thoughts as we breathe in,
    tasting the world around us and breathe out,
    expelling the essence of our inmost selves
    for others to explore likewise.

    When we forget this and breathe only for our selves,
    we cheat ourselves of the wonder of our lives,
    of the adventure of our coexistence with the Universe,
    and we cheat the Universe of the experience of being
    a part of what makes us, our unique selves,
    thus extinguishing endless possibilities and
    limiting the scope of the Universal Experience for all.

    So we breathe in, to grasp the wonder that comes
    from beyond our personal scope, and we
    breathe out to release our observations and experiences
    making room for the infinite expansion of our awareness of our universe;
    Making and unmaking with each cycle.

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    Aven commented on Breathing Meditation


    Nice. Debatable...

    Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    Malakki’s Poems (6)

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