Limitless Misconception


Limitless Misconception

That we are never given more than we can handle is a
sweet and oft told misconception.

It is more accurate and healthy to realize that we learn
to grow, and compensate for our personal shortcomings
through stretching out in order to survive that
which we did not believe we could handle.

The fact of the matter is that many of us,
if not most, if not all,
are made of much sterner and stronger stuff than
we ever know,
or wanted to know.

We conspire, individually and corporately, to push ourselves
beyond our known limits, beyond our comfort zone,
beyond the scope of our weaknesses and strengths and into
the realm of realization and growth.

To do otherwise is to degenerate and become
complacent in our weakness and ignorance.
It is to lose touch with an ever-expanding universe of possibility and become
and mute;
Starving in a bright world filled with a banquet of experiences.

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To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

Malakki’s Poems (6)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Waiting For A Phonecall (that never came) 0
Wait For It 1
Limitless Misconception 0
Breathing Meditation 1
Free Youth 0
In Honor of Imbolc 0