Free Youth


  • Childhood

    Free Youth

    If only someone had said,
    when I was young, some time ago,
    'Enjoy this light, this sunshine.
    Embrace the warm days and bright colors.
    Cherish the sweet smells of the grassy fields
    and memorize fully the crisp testure of life.'

    If only I had thought to keep close,
    (even closer than I felt I already had, then)
    the sights and sounds, the smells and spirit
    of all those fleeting moments and kept the
    long luxurious hours filled with all of those... things.
    Those things which no longer exist to be experienced.

    I have reached those sepia-toned days
    wherein the sharp and crinkly memories
    are all that remain, peeking desperately out
    from the shroud and veil of fuzzy sight,
    the nerveless blunted tactiles and stopped up
    choking smell, and the taste of naught but ashes.

    I have learned to subsist on these few
    wondrous and gorgeous moments, gilden,
    when the clouds break and the air before me clears
    and for the briefest of moments I am once again
    seeing, feeling, hearing, touching and tasting
    the wondrous nature and being of free youth.

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    A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    Malakki’s Poems (6)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Waiting For A Phonecall (that never came) 0
    Wait For It 1
    Limitless Misconception 0
    Breathing Meditation 1
    Free Youth 0
    In Honor of Imbolc 0