A Baseball Glove


A Baseball Glove

a baseball glove is a beginning and an ending......
a child's first sure step toward maturity,
an adults final, lingering hold on youth
it is promise for one, fond memory for the other.

a baseball glove is the dusty badge of belonging,
the tanned and oiled mortar of camaraderie.......
in its scuffs and folds are held the excited hum of competition,
freckled with the thrills and cheers that burst like fireworks on the 4th.

a baseball glove is Tinker to Evers to Chance: Mays over the shoulder:
the Wizard's magic: the pop of Larsen's final pitch to perfection.......
and a thousand other names and moments
strung like red, white and blue bunting in the vast ballpark of memory.

a baseball glove is the leather of adventure...
worthy successor to the cowboys holster, cavalry saddle or
the buckskin laces of a frontier scout.... it is immortal,
heroic... a place to smack your fist or snuff a rally.

above all, a baseball glove is the coupling of our abilities,
will and dreams: blending them with those of our
teammates and foes to form a perfect togetherness
beyond all differences, suspicions and fears...

                                                Play Ball!


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Mextizo commented on A Baseball Glove


Milkman u brought me back to memories Gracias! Good write

Lolee commented on A Baseball Glove


This poem brings a lump to my throat. Now after all these years I realize why my dad..a very old man always carried his glove in the trunk of his car. He was long past the days of even possibly playing catch. ....He just couldn't let it go...



Thanks for that little bit of your person Lolee, I really loved your comment and how baseball touched his life

dustydai commented on A Baseball Glove


I've been studying your poems and I'm still trying to digest the advice you've given me, but I've got to tell y ou, you really are a very talented writer, this poem is just one example of your gift. I'm going to keep on reading!! Thank You!!

bobarobbob commented on A Baseball Glove


That is nice. If anyone ever asks you why you like baseball show them this poem. I know i am going to. (with your permission of course). It expresses a connection that few can express in words. I am impressed.

MorganaLafey commented on A Baseball Glove


Really nice poem milkman although I really don't know that much about poetry i really liked this poem it captured the love of the game for you. Very enjoyable.

Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

Milkman’s Poems (15)

Title Comments
Title Comments
billionaires in bentonville 3
The M.B.A. 19
Steps of Our Fathers 14
Wandering Jew 8
who, what, when. where & WHY? 6
wishing them all dead 8
The Way Out! 9
Falling 8
a bad turn of cards 5
Edgar Martinez Goes to Cooperstown 11
A Baseball Glove 15
pierre cardin.... perfection 6
desolate soul 15