Steps of Our Fathers


Steps of Our Fathers

one foot after the other
we follow in the steps
of our Fathers:

many small steps;
observed with adoring eyes,
aided by gentle hands;
to span the Giants strides

in time the pace quickens
the first bond is broken
as hands pull silently apart, for
 a fleeting grasp at independence

as gaits become mirrored
their paths reflect off..... in tangents
of divergent lives, widening the void
between Men, innocent and wise

until the day when youth
  eclipses its source, all that can be..... a step back in time
"hey, Dad....... can we have a catch"

dedicated to W.P. Kinsella                                                                                   

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ansari commented on Steps of Our Fathers


nostalgia, how time flies, it was only yesterday when we went to school, suddenly our children our grown ups and independent. thank you , a great poem . a 10 from me.

redbloodink commented on Steps of Our Fathers


wow.... Milk reminded me of the song " Cat's in the craddle " thanx....... red

themommyof2 commented on Steps of Our Fathers


Very well said. Well said indeed! I really got this one.

Lolee commented on Steps of Our Fathers


This is profound. It evokes all the feelings of relationships and how they change...for the better....or for the worse. It brings to mind the fact that ...the day will come when there will be no more catching the ball with Dad. We must cherish the moment.

bforibus commented on Steps of Our Fathers


they say in the end we think about the beginning. i love how u grabbed ahoold of that emotion and portrayed it with a smile. gr8 job

Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

Milkman’s Poems (15)

Title Comments
Title Comments
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The M.B.A. 19
Steps of Our Fathers 14
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wishing them all dead 8
The Way Out! 9
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