Tiny Bones in a Velvet Closet


  • Dreams

    Poem Commentary

    I am working on a new book a murder mystery and this was what prompted it. It came to me in a dream.

    Tiny Bones in a Velvet Closet

    Tiny Bones in a Velvet Closet

    One evening after I moved into
    the old homestead where I grew
    I was checking places I hadn't
    seen since I was a small child.

    Wandering toward the attic I
    stopped at the stairs, I
    walked around behind them and
    saw a dark door.
    I pulled on it but it was stuck,
    so I jerked hard, it creaked
    as I pulled it open.

    Now as I stand here peering into
    this closet in the attic hallway
    under the stairs, chills run up
    my spine.

    I see that it is fully lined with
    purple velvet, as I step
    inside I look closer, there on a
    shelf is a beautifully painted
    cedar box.

    I finger the initials that stand
    out on the top of it.
    C. E. G. I stand there rolling
    the letters around in my mind.
    They are so close to mine
    but I wonder who's they could be?
    Why would anyone line a closet
    with purple velvet?

    Curiosity overcomes me and I
    unlatch the lock.

    When I open the lid I see that
    the cedar box is lined with the
    same purple velvet as the closet.

    So strange I thought, as I pulled
    the small blanket with the same
    initials C. E. G. on it from inside.

    Tears glisten in my eyes, I
    lower my head in prayer.
    Unconsciously I wipe my nose
    on my blouse sleeve and sniff
    in an unexpected outbreak of feelings.

    There laying neatly arranged on a satin pillow are tiny bones with a purple ribbon on the skull,
    in this beautiful cedar box, in this purple velvet closet.

    I have no clue who the initials
    belong to.
    Who is this child and why is she here?

    Suddenly the phone rings and I
    awake with a jolt.
    I arise and slowly walk toward the
    hallway and peer under the stairs.
    Sure enough there is a dark door.

    Fear overcomes me and I turn back
    afraid of what might be inside.
    It haunts me!
    Should I open the door?

    © 2008 Susan Elaine Graves

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    gogant commented on Tiny Bones in a Velvet Closet


    This one of yours, Susan, reads like a fine mystery...keep up the good work..................................gogant



    Thank you for the read and the great review, this book is now on all the bookstore if you go to www.publishamerica.net and put in my name Susan Elaine Graves it should bring up all my books, they are on sale right now.

    Hampton commented on Tiny Bones in a Velvet Closet


    Your writing is excellent and your story telling captures the imagination



    Thank you for your review, I just hope the book turns out good.

    MAFLongfellow commented on Tiny Bones in a Velvet Closet





    Thank you, just hoping the book goes over good!

    Tribaldaddy commented on Tiny Bones in a Velvet Closet


    Wicked stuff, just macabre enough to raise the little hairs on my neck and beautiful all in one, super job i love warring emotions



    thank you for your great comments.

    The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

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