Brave Fire Fighter


  • Life

    Poem Commentary

    I used to be a Fire Fighter and we did many kinds of rescues. Enjoy!

    Brave Fire Fighter

    Brave Fire Fighter

    Gray black smoke
    fills the air like a purple haze.

    The house is ablaze,
    flames shoot out licking
    the whiteness of the clouds.
    A scarlet ball lights up the sky.

    The heat is unbearable.
    Furiously a wind gusts through the crowd.

    A Fire Fighter appears in the doorway.
    He is carrying her,
    she is limp in his arms.
    She is an expectant mother.
    He lays her on the green of grass
    in the yard in a safe area.
    The Paramedics rush to help her.
    The Fire Fighter runs back to fight the blaze.
    The Fire Fighter returns, sitting down to

    catch his breath, he removes his helmet,
    pours water over his face and head.

    She raises and walks straight
    toward the Fire Fighter.
    The others watch, amazed, wondering

    what she is going to do?
    She faces the Fire Fighter
    who carried her from the blazing fire.
    This man had saved her life
    and the lives of her babies to come.
    Her legs are weak and with tits hanging low,
    she knows her time is soon.

    She kisses the Fire Fighter
    and he hugs her neck.
    "Good dog!" he says,

    as she lays down and her labor begins.
    The delivery is made and this
    brave Fire Fighter has saved
    seven lives this day.

    Copyright © 2007 Susan Elaine Graves

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    FranzJ commented on Brave Fire Fighter


    cool twist - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    freddycruz89 commented on Brave Fire Fighter


    WOOOOOOOOW!!! I would have never imagined it was a dog! Very cool and touching :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



    Thank you for the great review and comments of encouragement.

    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    justastar2’s Poems (10)

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