Humbled By Darkness


Poem Commentary

This is dedicated to the families, injured
and soldiers at Fort Hood.
Blessed Be!

Humbled By Darkness

Humbled By Darkness

In the aftermath of a tragedy,
so many lives taken or injured.

God washes our eyes with so many tears.
Fears that flow endlessly through our bodies.
As our saddened hearts weep.

We are heartbroken with this horrible and
senseless loss of innocent lives.

Soldiers surviving a war in foreign lands only
to be killed by friendly fire at home.

A sinister act of a villain.
A gunman, a Doctor, who heartlessly inflicted
death upon his fellow soldiers and friends.
Was this a Terrorist act or did he snap?
Perhaps we will never know!

We are helpless and hopeless as we stand here
in our world apart.
We are at a loss to make any sense of this
terrible tragedy.

Time is standing still as if forever.
For this day will never pass from our minds.

Today the world weeps, in remembrance
and love, for the passing of these soldiers.
For now they are Angels in God's hands.

We are humbled by this darkness in the
aftermath of this tragedy.

Copyright c 2009 Susan Elaine Graves

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MAFLongfellow commented on Humbled By Darkness


A wonderful tribute to the fallen and injured at Fort Hood. And I say Amen to all you wrote. So sad.:(



Thank you MAF for your comments, I am an X-Army Wife and I understand more than you think, I almost was blown up twice while on base in Germany. You never know what might happen!

Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

justastar2’s Poems (10)

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A Cold and Dark December Night 0
Humbled By Darkness 1
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