

  • Time


    It waits for no one, it goes by so fast.
    You use all you got, don't know how long it will last.
    It goes right by when your having fun.
    It goes by so slow when the day is long.
    Some value it, some waste it,
    Some cherish it, and some just have fits.
    It is short, and it last no time.
    So I'm gonna do the best with mine.
    Like spending it with someone who care.
    Someone who will always be there.
    Will I find the person who will find the time with me?
    Will I find the person who will set my mind free?
    Of my worries and all my grief my heart brings.
    I heard time is good, it heals all things.
    From the broken heart to an opened wound.
    From the peace of mind, to the sun that lights the room.
    We shouldn't take advantage of time, don't be cavalier.
    With time we die, and with time we are here.

    Poem Comments


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    poeticguy65265 commented on Time


    I love this poem. so true to the artistic nature. very good indeed. i am voteing a 10 for this poem.

    Hanna commented on Time


    WOW!! believe this or NOT, but in the same time period we both wrote poems with regards to TIME!!! I enjoyed your TIME perspective as I wrote more on the illusion of time, your poem included that concept and added the contrast of what people do with the time they are given.



    Thanks, I have to read yours and get back with ya. See what ya workin with.

    PRober commented on Time


    very true indeed... and time waits for no one dear!



    Thanks and that's why I have to put mine into use

    SpiritSong commented on Time


    Cool poem canary...thank you for sharing it with us all..



    Thanks for takin the time to read it. More to come.

    The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

    canary’s Poems (7)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Married but Seperated 4
    My Days 1
    Its Me 4
    Power 2
    Time 4
    A Troubled Mind 1
    My Thoughts 2