My Thoughts


  • Emotional

    My Thoughts

    To have a life time of happiness.
    You must have a short term of pain.
    Just to build yourself up again.
    Sometimes things feel so helpless and nothing you can do to make it work.
    You pray, read the bible, or try to make yourself go to church.
    But it's deep inside you to the bottom of your soul.
    And sometimes you don't have any type of control.
    Laugh in the daytime and cry at night.
    Finding the right love song, or try to do something right.
    It hits you dead center, straight to the heart.
    Lies, deception, and cheating will only tear it apart.
    Facing year 2010, has gotten me scared.
    Thinking I found love, I feel real weird.
    To many places to go, so many people to see.
    I am not complicated, but still no one understands me.

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    BlackButterfly1 commented on My Thoughts


    "I am not complicated, but still no one understands me." I feel the same way sometimes! Now I just learn to like and depend on myself. Once I did that, I realized it's not for them to understand. Good poem.

    Tempestlady commented on My Thoughts


    How true, we must have the pain to get the joy. Just as there must be evil to balance out good. After all what would David be without Goliath, but a punk throwing rocks. They get you, they just don't want to, cuz the feelin is uncomfortable, too honest and true. Most people avoid directness, and would be uncomfortable discusing it with you. Readers too.



    You are oh so right. I can't run into a person that will be straight forward with me because I guess they think I would be judgemental

    The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

    canary’s Poems (7)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Married but Seperated 4
    My Days 1
    Its Me 4
    Power 2
    Time 4
    A Troubled Mind 1
    My Thoughts 2