This same Jesus


  • Love

    Poem Commentary

    This is my gift and tribute to my Savior Jesus.

    This same Jesus

    This same Jesus, the living "Word of God",

    "which is - which was - which is to come", "the Branch" of Jesse's Rod,

    eternal in existence, creating all that has been made,

    who God will judge the world by... "that man whom he hath ordained".


    Who was prophesied of in the garden, to be Satan's great defeat,

    born of a woman without man - a virgin God complete,

    increasing "in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man",

    when baptized began His ministry, according to Gods plan.


    This same Jesus when confronted by the Devil,

    repelled him with God's written Word, as all of us are able,

    everywhere he went, Godly miracles he performed,

    whether calming the tempest sea, or healing the deformed.


    Supplying till the net’s near brake and the ships do nearly sink,

    healing by forgiving sins, unconcerned what others think,

    as the Pharisee's murmur and reason, Jesus is conversant,

    "I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance".

    This same Jesus, raised the dead by word and hand,

    turned water into wine at the wedding in Cana, by command,

    fed many thousand, from a few broken loaves and fishes,

    walked on water, Peter too, fulfilling Peter's wishes,


    Jesus also cast out demons, that acknowledged Him as God,

    and healed the tax collectors heart, who returned fourfold all he had robbed,

    and John tells of many other things, which Jesus did, if named...

    and written down, every one in books: the world could not contain.


    Through this same "Jesus", who was crucified for all,

    we are accepted by the Father when on "His" dear name we call,

    not for our own goodness, but... by Gods own Grace thru faith,

    to acknowledge were unworthy and trust in Christ - salvation's based.

    So call upon the Savior - Christ, "the bright and morning star",

    the "Alpha and Omega", become... Gods taber-nac-ular,

    indwelt than by Gods Spirit, go forth, and share the Gospels truth,

    Just how much, God loves them too, as had once been shared with you.




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    Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    Whiskers’s Poems (76)

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