Saving Fear


Poem Commentary

A poem about preaching what the entire Bible has to say, not picking and choosing what might be popular or politically correct at any certain point of time.

Saving Fear

There’s a certain kind of preaching

That is rarely seen these days,

Discarded by most preachers

If addressed most likely vague.


Who prefer to coddle members

Preaching what they want to hear,

Of love, prosperity and riches

Playing to their itching ear’s;


There are many ways to heaven

Don’t condemn what others say,

Just join in communal worship

And to who-so-ever pray,


After all, we’re gods ourselves

Each man after his own right,

In ecumenical correctness

When we die go to the light.


But that’s not the way it’s written

In God’s Word given to man,

He is really quite specific

In what He justly demands.


God is Love, God is Holy

God can tolerate no sin,

that’s why Jesus came to earth to die

To take away our sin.


God proclaimed in voice from heaven

This is “my Son in whom I’m well pleased”,

And when it comes to all eternity

Jesus is the key.


You can accept gift freely given

Of Christ’s sacrificial death,

And the power of his resurrection

And through eternity be Blessed.


Or reject this risen Savior

And when your time has come,

Face this judge of all creation

And be cast from God’s kingdom.


 For the Father judges no man

But commits all judgment to the Son,

To separate the saints from sinners

And decree their rightful damnation.


Saying: “Depart from me, ye cursed,

Into everlasting fire,

Prepared for the devil and his angels”

Into everlasting punishment retire.


Where the weeping never ceases

Tormented day and night,

Isolated in outer darkness

Forever from God’s sight.


Jesus warned more about hell

Then he spoke of blessed heaven,

To dissuade all that would hear him

From coveting the leaven.


As the rich man down in hell

Who begged for drop of water,

Was concerned that his 5 brothers

Would also occupy these quarters.


For the fearful and unbelieving,

Abominable and murderers,

Whoremongers and sorcerers,

Idolaters and liars,


Shall all have their own part

In the torturous lake of fire,

Burning hot with brimstone

A warning that is dire.


While Jude tells us some are saved

Compassionately hearing of the Savior,

Others save with fear, hearing

These messages far graver.


So if your gonna preach this book

You’d better preach it all,

Don’t censor any of what God says

Or you will also fall…

“and great was the fall of it.”

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When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

Whiskers’s Poems (76)

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