The Whispers of Time


  • Loss

    The Whispers of Time

    As I walk through the snow and rain, I find my soul bleeding out into this perfect scene.

    I wait for the pain to hit, but all I feel is numb. Numb and stricken.

    Life has deserted me in my dire hour of need, and instead of fighting back with a vengeance, I have no fight left. I suck in oxygen without feeling it enter my lungs, and give myself over to the inevitable.

    I knew Heartache would come calling one day. He whispers in my ear and calls me his Companion. He craves to hold me, He says, and welcomingly opens His arms. Attempting to flee is futile so I edge closer and let the darkness envelope me.

    Now I shall never be free. I was doomed from the start.

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    Musicmynded1 commented on The Whispers of Time


    Nice and well rounded.... i like it. No looking back for refiguring.

    sk8erpoet commented on The Whispers of Time


    i seriously love this poem.....lots of emotion....great write...sk8

    Kaylimazza commented on The Whispers of Time


    Wow. it was really good. I'd say maybe make the font big or i think its me being blind. Anyways good job!

    sk8ergirl commented on The Whispers of Time


    I think this is a great write..........there is a lot of emotion in it.........great write......sk8

    lonewolf162 commented on The Whispers of Time


    wow i did one like this it wasnt as good as yours tho i think its super keep makein more

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    bjenkins’s Poems (16)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    A Siren's Call 2
    The Dark 2
    Stupid Mistakes 2
    Mother of Us All 0
    Running Shoes 0
    Words of Foreboding (Part Two) 1
    Words of Foreboding (Part One) 1
    Gleaming Pillars 5
    The Barn 4
    Admonishments 1
    Crimson Kisses 3
    Fae Folk 4
    Reflections 2
    The Whispers of Time 11
    My Time Away... 2
    Phantom 10