The Barn


The Barn

The morning air is crisp and clean, the Sun's rays barely glowing upon the eastern horizon.
Hot, black coffee sliding down my throat eases some of the chill as it settles in my stomach.
I can see the morning dew clinging to the earth and treetops, just awaiting a nudge to send them falling to the soil.

Dawn is approaching, and soon I hear the horses begin stirring and shifting in their stalls.
The smell of warm horse hair, saddle leather, and hay creat a euphoria unlike any other on God's green earth, and I pause to enjoy the experience for one more morning.
Running a hand across a curious friend's face and breathing into his nose while he nudges my pockets for sugar treats.

Nothing in this world is more peaceful as enjoying a morning of dawn in the barn.

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BikemanRJ commented on The Barn


I would like to be in the barn right now riding off onto the trails right now good visuals in the poem great expression of love for the horses. Great read God Bless Bikeman

Mrpoetry commented on The Barn


your barn is your place of seclusion and peace with your horse... great poem you really love your horses

cliftondurant commented on The Barn


it sound so peaceful nice job thanks for sharing something just give you so much peace

kage commented on The Barn


great poem i like it . good wording and great flow it makes sense

Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

bjenkins’s Poems (16)

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