The Shadow Behind Me


  • Friendship

    The Shadow Behind Me

    Most want to call her a familiar,
    I find this notion somwhat peculiar

    For shen she came to me her children & claws stolen,
    Her spirit and heart broken.

    I only offered her the food at my table,
    And a home that was stable.

    With a promise of love & affection,
    And all she could want of my attention

    In her eyes you'll find a quite pride,
    It isn't something she tries to hide

    As her bruised and bettered soul began to heal,
    Our bond became stronger then steel.

    I have earned her trust & respect,
    For in me she knows what she can expect.

    A kindred spirit and a friend
    A love that will never bend

    With me she now makes her bed
    On the pillow next to my head

    With fur as soft as can be
    An inner glow for all to see

    She has a coat as black as night
    With her yellow eyes sheis quite a site.

    For in her I havea friend forever
    And it is a friendship that I will treasure

    A better friend I could never find
    And she is never far behind

    The Shadow you see following me,
    That is my cat Emily

    Poem Comments


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    photochick commented on The Shadow Behind Me


    wonderful poem rendida pets are a true blessing great flow and rhythm great write keep it up this was very sweet

    jenifer commented on The Shadow Behind Me


    i know of that bond with between animal and human , i think you described it well. ...........................

    bluewolf commented on The Shadow Behind Me


    Cute! It is clear that she has found a loving home. Animals and people have an amazing and special bond with there is mutal respect.

    bigguy commented on The Shadow Behind Me


    Cute and loving. I find my pets are a great inspiration for poetry. Animals feel us, and accept or rejects us on a different level.

    DeepEclipse commented on The Shadow Behind Me


    Unconditional love. So easy for animals to give it, why can't we............hmmmmmm

    Poetry is what is lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    Rendida’s Poems (8)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    A Vow 0
    A True Friend 5
    Refletions 12
    The Way It Wasn't Meant To Be 6
    The Pact With the Devil 17
    The Gift of You 15
    The Shadow Behind Me 12
    The Butterfly From Within 10