The Butterfly From Within


  • Life
  • ,
  • Emotional

    The Butterfly From Within

    Down trodden to some, maybe
    But on the mend can't you see

    Though it may seem dead & gone,
    My spirit lives on.

    My wings may not be dry,
    But when I have the courage I will fly

    The color of my wings will flow,
    My heart will be a glow.

    When the sky is the limit,
    Who can keep me from it.

    For when the storm is strong,
    It will be God I rely on.

    I may look fragile and weak,
    But I will soon carry the treasure many seek.

    With my children as a ray of hope,
    I know I will be able to cope.

    For Love and Courage will be mine,
    It will just take a little time.

    So in my cocoon I may stay,
    Until that magical & wonderful day.

    But when I spread my wings & fly by,
    All will say,"What a beautiful butterfly."

    Poem Comments


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    Angel197038 commented on The Butterfly From Within


    I love this poem but especially the ending!! You have put great meaning into this and I feel that the ending is so bright and beautiful! I am there with you! God Bless and keep up the great work hun! Helen

    ginga commented on The Butterfly From Within


    rendida, This is a very inspiring poem about our beautiful friends that are so illusive. TY for a precious poem to dedicate to them. ginga

    1990lh commented on The Butterfly From Within


    awww that was great i thaink it had an great underline message nice work

    bluewolf commented on The Butterfly From Within


    This is a beautiful poem. Your wording is excellent and the underlining meaning filled with a substantial amount of faith.

    bigguy commented on The Butterfly From Within


    Touching and heart felt. I liked it. We all dream we are butterflies.

    Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    Rendida’s Poems (8)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    A Vow 0
    A True Friend 5
    Refletions 12
    The Way It Wasn't Meant To Be 6
    The Pact With the Devil 17
    The Gift of You 15
    The Shadow Behind Me 12
    The Butterfly From Within 10