The Political Discourse


  • Political

    The Political Discourse

    There is no question,
    That the political discourse,
    Has turned discusting,
    And very coarse.

    That it has turned ugly,
    Humanly degrading,
    Attacks for the spewing,
    And the saying.
    All out attacks,
    On all matters,
    Even attacks,
    On personal characters.

    Thinking this,
    Will change hearts;
    It alienates,
    And throws apart.
    Thinking this,
    Will change the scene,
    But its throwing fire,
    On Gasoline.

    And all walk away,
    Shunning the messege,
    After all,
    The harmful ravage.

    Only the activists
    Love this feat,
    But it bring sorrow,
    Then defeat.

    And nothing is left,
    But a lesson late,
    You do not win,
    By preaching hate.

    The political discourse,
    Has gotten worse,
    All that there is,
    Shut down and curse.

    Let us discuss,
    And debate,
    And not smear,silence
    But communicate.

    Alex Pugliese
    Kenilworth, New Jersey

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    Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    pugmaster’s Poems (4)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Social Security 0
    Responsibilty And Freedom 0
    Suicide 0
    The Political Discourse 0