

  • Sadness


    Suicide is a solution
    To a temporary problem.
    There are times literally,
    When you are overwhelmed by them.

    You look for an escape,
    So you do not deal with it.
    The temptation comes,
    To call it quits.

    You think you won't survive,
    These grand difficulties.
    You want the pain to stop,
    For it's causing you misery,

    You believe the option,
    Is to die and run away.
    By picking up an instrument,
    For yourself to slay.

    The difficulties may be
    Very overbearing.
    You hurt, you cry,
    At you staring.

    It affects your body,
    As well as your mind.
    It rips and cuts.
    It is unkind.

    The pain and sadness,
    It is tough to endure.
    You believe suicide,
    Is the only cure.

    You are in anger, sadness,
    Not to mention depression.
    You want to make it better,
    This choking infection.
    Face everything bravely,
    You will recover.
    Do not believe,
    It is all over.

    For this is the time,
    For a new beginning;
    Life, despite all,
    Is worth living.

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    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

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