Social Security


  • Political

    Social Security

    There are many,
    That depend on government.
    For the purposes,
    Of securing retirement.

    It is they that believe,
    That government saves.
    But in reality,
    Takes money, freedom, away.

    A chunk they take,
    From your paycheck.
    You get little,
    Just a peck.

    You get enough,
    Just to get by.
    With no savings,
    On which to rely.

    You pay much,
    In Federal Taxes,
    Government snips,
    Then axes.

    You work and struggle,
    In the bog.
    Government lives,
    High on the hog.

    To the young I say,
    Save and invest.
    Don't trust government,
    Trust you, the best.

    Take your money,
    Put it all away.
    Accumulate your wealth,
    For retirement's day.
    Don't depend,
    On government entities,
    Don't be dependent,
    Thrust into slavery.

    You all control,
    Your lives and future,
    It is you yourself,
    You must nuture.

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    If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

    pugmaster’s Poems (4)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Social Security 0
    Responsibilty And Freedom 0
    Suicide 0
    The Political Discourse 0