The Mirrow


The Mirrow

You wake up and I'm the first person you see
You only take hot showers
Hoping the steam will cover me
For once I can agree, I am better than you
You hate me because I tell you the truth
You cannot stand me, cause you know I'm better than you

You leave but you alwayz come back
Asking me how you look, I refuse to talk back
Some how you alwayz know what I want to say
Therefore you carry a bag just incase
With items you hope would help you look better
But we both know I am better than you

A dap there and here, a line here and there
In the end you only look worse, and I will still look better
Am glad you take those hot showers
Cause now the steam stands between me and you

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jademelissa74 commented on The Mirrow


I love poems about mirrors! I like the arrangement of phrases you have managed to put together. It is insightful and thought-provoking! I have a poem entitled "From a Mirror to a Woman" You should read it! Great job! Thank you for sharing!

If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

Populous’s Poems (10)

Title Comments
Title Comments
The Girl in my Dream 0
Paradise 0
High Seas 0
Farewell 0
Your Day 0
Atomic Love 1
The Truth 1
The Mirrow 1
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