


Old year's done
Old things gone
All that remains
Is you at dawn

From 1st of January
When we 1st began
Loved like a strawberry
Moving through our plan
obviously extraordinary
Imaginary, even revolutionary

As time pasted
We forgot what we had
But never outclassed
Harassed by our adversary
Thanks to Easter
We knew it was temporary

Whining down the year
With sounds of jingle bell
Tossing coins into the wishing-well
Thanking God for Noel
Now its time to say farewell

Sad to say; sad to go
But as day dawns
Dawns the new year
You would be of no use
So farewell 2010 Calender
And thanks for the magical year

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To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

Populous’s Poems (10)

Title Comments
Title Comments
The Girl in my Dream 0
Paradise 0
High Seas 0
Farewell 0
Your Day 0
Atomic Love 1
The Truth 1
The Mirrow 1
Statistics 0
Pride 0