ArmyWife041609’s Profile

is updating all this stuff, just joined.

  • Age: 37
  • Location: Leesville, LA
  • Gender: Female
  • Country: United States
  • Public Profile URL:


Hmmm, about me...I write in my own time, I don't do it for anything but to express myself and sometimes my feelings towards others. I am an Army Wife and I go through a lot of things, so this is a way for me to let all that out so I don't go mad. I am also a mother and we are again trying to conceive, so more writings are bound to happen soon. Some things I have on my page are older, but I like them so I decided to share them. Hope you like them, enjoy!


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wildpendigus profile comment


I haven't read your poems but you look like you are very talented! I will look forward to reading some! ex Army Ranger WP me!

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

ArmyWife041609’s Poems (7)

Title Comments
Title Comments
The Caged Darkness 1
Alive & Alone 0
Caged Within... 0
Heartbeats In the Night 0
I'm Dying Inside, Empty Within 0
In the Wake of Your Absence... 0
The Person Within.... 0

ArmyWife041609’s Friends (3)