The Abyss


Poem Commentary

FYI, my poems w/pictures can be found within my personal web pages at: and . The true short story accompanying The Boy With No Name can be found at:

The Abyss


A young boy who only wanted love and to dream

was violated, left to holler and scream.


A young mother, her head down, so beat to the brow,

cries but is silent -- finding no dignity now.


And so the dark world did beckon and threw them a kiss;

not loved, nor knowing love, they went down the abyss.


I stood at the dark edge, looking down at their souls;

hearing the cries of the lonely, inside that black hole.


I cast my line of compassion, did what is right.

I tugged and I pulled and brought them into the light.


And as they stood before me, next, what did I find?

Yet the millions behind them, who holler and cry.


I am but one; I ask, “Who joins me in this fight?”

Or will you turn away, leave them only the night?


No person in a nation that stands proud and tall

can stand and do nothing while some 1-in-5 fall.


So as you put your children to bed with a kiss,

remember, there are millions...lost to the abyss.


Bridgette Rodriguez
Copyright Pending

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If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

brid1234’s Poems (18)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Reflections of My Love 0
I Abound 2
Don't Cry for Me 1
Fate 1
My Mother 0
The Boy With No Name 1
The New Day 0
In Need 0
Taken 0
The Find 0
The Abyss 0
Gloriously Me 0
My Love 0
The Roaring Sea 0
I Saw Him 0
Life's Seasons 1
He Speaks to Me 0
More Than Flight 0