Life's Seasons


Poem Commentary

FYI, my poems w/pictures can be found within my personal web pages at: and . The true short story accompanying The Boy With No Name can be found at:

Life's Seasons


Those hurried summer days ended some time ago.

When exactly, you ask?  I just can't recall.

That life season passed when I became mellow --

when I no longer ran and, instead, walked tall.


No sweat on my brow; instead, the cool breeze blows.

I am so much wiser and am the keeper

of great stories as I find my new fall home.

And so I laugh longer and love much deeper.


As I travel this road and behold beauty,

I recall we were always the best of friends.

And so I smile and rejoice in knowing we

can share our autumn days when we meet again.


So, please come visit my new home up the hill.

Don't be long now; when the winter comes I will go away.

Bridgette Rodriguez
Copyright pending

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MidnightPoet commented on Life's Seasons


sweetly done.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mark -aka- MidnightPoet




The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

brid1234’s Poems (18)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Reflections of My Love 0
I Abound 2
Don't Cry for Me 1
Fate 1
My Mother 0
The Boy With No Name 1
The New Day 0
In Need 0
Taken 0
The Find 0
The Abyss 0
Gloriously Me 0
My Love 0
The Roaring Sea 0
I Saw Him 0
Life's Seasons 1
He Speaks to Me 0
More Than Flight 0