

  • Loss
  • ,
  • Love

    Poem Commentary

    FYI, my poems w/pictures can be found within my personal web pages at: http://bridgette.8m.com/poemswisdom.html and http://bridgette.8m.com/poemswisdom2.html . The true short story accompanying The Boy With No Name can be found at: http://bridgette.8m.com/blank_4.html


    I watch as the tide comes in,

     it brings me another day.

    The one I've just left behind,

    misty image called “yesterday.”


    Oh, if you could be here now,

    I know you'd make me smile again

    and bring me warm, sunny days

    from this cold, dark autumn rain.


    You left me two weeks ago,

    Houston-bound as your plan.

    You said, “I just need some time;

    I'll be back, babe, when I can.”


    And I just stood and stared

    and let you slowly walk away,

    thinking if I should hold you now,

    could I ever make you stay?


    A void where once was my heart,

    cold grows the touch of my hand.

    As faith is replaced by doubt,

    loneliness becomes my friend.


    And memories are swept away

    as if swallowed by the sea;

     leaving only today behind,

    with tomorrows that aren't to be.


    I watch as the tide rolls out,

    it takes 'way another day.

    This one that I leave behind

    filled with sadness and deepened pain.


    And if I can't have you, no,

     I'll not see the Sun again;

    but cast my Soul up and out,

    to be taken by the Wind.


     Bridgette Rodriguez
    Copyright pending

    Poem Comments


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    Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

    Unknown Source

    brid1234’s Poems (18)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Reflections of My Love 0
    I Abound 2
    Don't Cry for Me 1
    Fate 1
    My Mother 0
    The Boy With No Name 1
    The New Day 0
    In Need 0
    Taken 0
    The Find 0
    The Abyss 0
    Gloriously Me 0
    My Love 0
    The Roaring Sea 0
    I Saw Him 0
    Life's Seasons 1
    He Speaks to Me 0
    More Than Flight 0