The 6year Mark


  • Emotional

    The 6year Mark

    Today is the marking of six years
    Six long hard tearful years
    It's hard to grasp the fact that he is gone
    I miss him I miss my daddy
    Why must I still cry
    I know that he held the majority of my heart
    My heart was in his hands
    And when it happened my hears shattered
    Shattered into millions
    I am slowly picking up the pieces of my heart
    Though I believe God has sent my now best friend to me
    She still can't fill up the hole
    Why can't she
    Because God sent me a friend
    Who is just a human
    A human who can be gone at the snap of fingers
    Then where would I be
    I'd be with a bigger hole in my heart
    One I can't handle
    I can barely handle the one I have now
    I still remember the day he died
    It feels like yesterday
    I can still remember when the doctor told us he was dead
    I remember when I hugged him and didn't feel his arms around me
    I remember laying my head down on his chest and not hearing his heart beat
    That's when I knew he was dead
    I remember hugging him tighter and sobbing saying please come back to me
    I sobbed harder when my pastor said he's gone to a better place
    Eventually I stopped sobbing
    But that image never leaves me
    I cry every time I see it in my head

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    federallawman commented on The 6year Mark


    He does live threw you and those who are closes to you. Keep writing.

    A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    pocahontas’s Poems (7)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Need you, to rescue me Jesus. 1
    That Sweet Fire 0
    To give it all up. 2
    Soothing words a mother speaks 1
    Changing Time 4
    Missing the sound of summer 2
    The 6year Mark 1