Missing the sound of summer


  • Emotional

    Missing the sound of summer

    The days we spent playing
    At the park
    Were good times
    I miss the underdogs
    I miss playing in the sand as a family
    Or watching you catch the biggest fish
    Every now and then I have my dreams
    Of those times
    The times we spent as a family
    And after those dreams
    In the summer I swear I can hear the rusty chains squeak
    When no one is on them
    I swear I can here your laughter fill my ears
    I swear I can here my giggling saying higher daddy higher
    I swear I can here mommy in th back round talking but only for minute I hear it all
    And when I do I let a tear fall
    Sometimes I wake to the sounds of the rusty chains squeaking
    And it brings a smile to my face
    But yet
    I let a tear fall
    And yet I ignore the tear that falls
    And I search for the sounds that I love to hear
    The sounds of your voice
    Your laughter
    It reminds me of a balloon
    Full one second and then
    Pop the next you hear a big boom
    And sometimes it makes you jump
    But yet in the end you laugh at what a silly noise does to you
    Well I miss your booming laughter
    How I long to hear it
    And I know I can't
    Makes me hurt
    But most of all I long to hear all the
    Sounds of summer

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    bookworm commented on Missing the sound of summer


    That is really amazing. WOW!!!! I could never write a poem that good! And you think you're bad at it!

    federallawman commented on Missing the sound of summer


    In your dreams that is where you hear it, that is more then just a dream. You know what I mean?

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    pocahontas’s Poems (7)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Need you, to rescue me Jesus. 1
    That Sweet Fire 0
    To give it all up. 2
    Soothing words a mother speaks 1
    Changing Time 4
    Missing the sound of summer 2
    The 6year Mark 1