Changing Time


  • Philosophy

    Changing Time

    If only we could go back in time
    And change one moment
    One hour
    One day
    Would life be better
    Or could you still come up with the
    Same end result
    Would you be happy with it
    Or would you want to go back again
    And change your life even more
    But weren’t we put on this earth
    That’s not meant to give second chances
    So why is it so much that we want to
    Change everything we have already lived
    Everything that has made us who we are
    Everything that defines us
    Because that’s what the past is
    It defines who are
    How you can improve who you are
    How you choose to live your life better.

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    ThugsAngel commented on Changing Time


    Wow that made me think...I wouldn't change a thing. Love it.

    kamaldahal commented on Changing Time


    pocahontas, brilliant mind and beautiful & attractive writing. Too much lovely ... HOw you can improve who you are... Really I like it. Kamal

    oldgoat commented on Changing Time


    Very Good! You are so young, going back in time would not very be far. Keep writing...and GO PACKERS! Sorry, I am a die hard Packer fan, always have been.

    federallawman commented on Changing Time


    I wouldn't change a thing, Look at that which surrounds you today, Would you change that?

    A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    pocahontas’s Poems (7)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Need you, to rescue me Jesus. 1
    That Sweet Fire 0
    To give it all up. 2
    Soothing words a mother speaks 1
    Changing Time 4
    Missing the sound of summer 2
    The 6year Mark 1