Tears of a Man


  • ravensaflight
  • is so thankful for the positive feedback and now have the confidence I may have been lacking before, so expect more posts! Thanks fellow poets!

Tears of a Man

As a tear streams down his face
A mark of it's path is left in it's place.
From where did these emotions appear?
What caused his eyes to shed this tear?
Twas now the affliction of physical pain,
But the loss of love did his pillow stain.
With every tear that his eyes have shed
He lays alone in his vacant bed.
Wondering if he'll again see her face,
Or will he again feel her gentle embrace?
Tear after tear makes his pains no less
For he lost the only treasure he had come to posses.

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Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

ravensaflight’s Poems (12)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Saved 2
Temptress 5
Insomnia 0
Hopeless 2
Tears of a Man 0
Reality 0
Panic 0
My poetry 1
Everything Changes 0
Addiction 2
Never Again 1
Thankful for the Pain 3