Never Again


  • ravensaflight
  • is so thankful for the positive feedback and now have the confidence I may have been lacking before, so expect more posts! Thanks fellow poets!

Poem Commentary

Just a strange scene I saw play out in my head many, many years ago. Not even based on an actual experience or real emotion for that matter, just an exercise in creativity.

Never Again

Never Again


Silence through the night, afraid of what awaits


Shivers up his spine with every move he makes


Terror deep within, drowning his very soul


This is how he felt, before his life I stole


He covered up his head as if to hide beneath the sheets


The only sounds heard then were his sad and painful weeps


I said unto myself, “Cry not cowardly one,


For you won’t have to face the rising of the sun.”


Tears rolled down his face, he shook so violently,


He let out a terrified scream when he saw the shadow of me


A moon beam then descends and shines from the gun in hand


In the darkest night of nights, and that’s where I did stand.


No more hesitation, I know this is the only way


For I can’t just and by silently and ignore it one more day


Without a word my finger moved and wit that fatal blow


I knew Never Again, to her he would go!

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wizthom commented on Never Again


the darkness in this write covers the soul..blinds the Sprite,while hoplessness surrounds the very air,,wizthom

If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

ravensaflight’s Poems (12)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Saved 2
Temptress 5
Insomnia 0
Hopeless 2
Tears of a Man 0
Reality 0
Panic 0
My poetry 1
Everything Changes 0
Addiction 2
Never Again 1
Thankful for the Pain 3