

  • ravensaflight
  • is so thankful for the positive feedback and now have the confidence I may have been lacking before, so expect more posts! Thanks fellow poets!


Every night I'm tortured by the torment of my mind,

Searching for anything comforting. I pace the house suffocating,

With all these emotions bottled up, I want to scream!

Tears stream down my face as I beg for the torture to stop!

For the demons in my mind to stop taunting me!

I wish I could crawl out of my skin and be free from this suffering!

My eyes strain to catch a glimpse of the light at the end of the tunnel

But all they can behold is darkness, emptiness...

I'm alone and afraid and no one understands me...

Will I ever feel relief?

Oh Lord, please deliver me from all this confusion and pain!

Please give me the strength that I lost long ago when I let my mind become vulnerable,

And I allowed my emotions to take control in spite of my better judgement!

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Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

ravensaflight’s Poems (12)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Saved 2
Temptress 5
Insomnia 0
Hopeless 2
Tears of a Man 0
Reality 0
Panic 0
My poetry 1
Everything Changes 0
Addiction 2
Never Again 1
Thankful for the Pain 3