


space, a place with no life
or does it? 
a place with endless travel through the beyond.
a place that has planets that might have a possibility to have life on them.

our moon, pulled into earths orbital path.
circling us like a dead piece of junk that never goes away.
can we live on the moon, create a civilization of our own?!

space, with planets that have no life.
why does the earth only have life?
what makes us so special?!

our galaxy may be one of its kind but, yes, there are many more!
why cant we see them?
we imagine all we want but cant see!
space is it empty or are we fooled by our over active imaginations.

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girlygirl1234 commented on space


damn girl this is truly amazing. it makes me think of how bad we are treating our economy. right now so far we only have our planet to live on but we take those things for granted. and your right no body likes to think of the other planets out there in space. its not like they are in our imagination at all

brokenhearted11 commented on space


i love this! i often think of space, and wonder about what all is out there. am i mistaken in finding another meaning to this? an emotional, personal, real life one? the part about te moon makes me think of an ex that haunts you, or another hting. all in all, a great write. keep writing :)

Phoenix9 commented on space


great write, It's an awfully big solar system to believe we are the only ones in it, yet there has to be more, they watch us till we are ready to join, once we grow up.

tynise1014 commented on space


I like my own poem! I never new it was that good!

InfinityKnott commented on space


Great job my friend! Keep writing and find topics that you have a lot of feelings about. When I write to do it for myself. I don't worry so much about what others think. You might even find that when you write you learn things about what you are going through that you might not of noticed otherwise.

Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

tynise1014’s Poems (7)

Title Comments
Title Comments
how can i love you 2
what life can be 1
day dreamer 4
posotive influences v.s. negative influences ( reference to columbine shooting) 1
starry night 3
always there 7
space 9