always there


Poem Commentary

it may seem a little down but its my feelings and i hope you like it/ p.s. please leave comments it helps me write better and more poems!!!!!!

always there

when i first saw you, i saw your beautiful face
i saw that you where going to be my knight and shining armor that loves me for me
i remember when you saw when i was down when i didnt show it
you knew me when i didnt
you knew that i was going through hard times and was always there
not there to tell me what to do but
a shoulder to cry on
you knew i would tell you my every secret and never tell no one
you knew me inside out
your my light to my day
your my wind to a hot summer day
your my key to my heart
stay with me
and keep me in your heart
i love you nothing can change that but i would be a little scared if you didnt love me back.................

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brokenhearted11 commented on always there


its a very nice poem youve got here! my favorite part is :your my light to my day your my wind to a hot summer day your my key to my heart" the ohnly thing i owuld have to say is to find a bit more variation to your words, instead of repeating the same ones over and over. good work! keep writing :)



Thanks broken

girlygirl1234 commented on always there


this is very good. i feel the emotion in this poem. and your boyfriend must be stupid to not talk to a girl like you. you seem like a very nice person who is in love



Thanks gg. He is well a bit of a jerk..... I cry and now I'm sad

SuSpence commented on always there


This was a very good write tynise. You are too critical of yourself. While I see a small margin for improvement, which will come with time and experience both in writing and in life, I see you have the key ingredients of a poet. You write about truth, and you write with passion. These are the things that cannot be taught. Technique, style, structure, form, all teachalbe. But the heart of a poet/musician/artist is something you must be born with, or pick up alongside the highway of life which we all travel. You set a good tone for this piece, I would just say in the future try to delve more into your metaphors, look at all things in a differant light and see how you can relate them to others. This will improve your writing. Try listening to the Beatles 'Across the Universe' and pay attention to the lyrics. John Lennon was interviewed and described that song as his attempt to answer his wife's question where does he come up with ideas to write, and how do they come, and the song lyrics are his decription. This song taught me a lot about poetry. Lovely write ty, hope this helps. ~Spence



thanks spence. that means alot. i am still working on writing better poems and how to correct them:) not my biggest forte but i dnt mind experimenting!

Phoenix9 commented on always there


Hmm what does he not understand, it's all written there for him, about him and how you feel,, you went in deep and exposed true feelings, a very good write,, I agree with Londo as constructive help, keep up the good work PHOENIX



i dont knw! he said he changed his mined we dont talk anymore. :) but i will be ok:)

Sydney commented on always there


wow, this is really good. something sentimental to you and the person you wrote it for. keep on writing Sydney



Hey syd thanks for the comment can't wait for your wonderful novel. Keep writing :)ty

Poetry is what is lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

tynise1014’s Poems (7)

Title Comments
Title Comments
how can i love you 2
what life can be 1
day dreamer 4
posotive influences v.s. negative influences ( reference to columbine shooting) 1
starry night 3
always there 7
space 9