day dreamer


day dreamer

in the sky its different.
your mind can wander.

you day dream about anything.

you can see way beyond life, beauty, and emotional distress.
dreaming of things that are beyond the mind.
dreaming of things that can blow your mind.
day dreamer thats all i have ever wanted to do in

 life.................. is dream. dreaming is somethng you should

 do for fun. dont sell your self short of

wonderful things.

my mistakes show it all!

enjoy dreaming before

your life becomes

hectic with no time to


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angelchaser commented on day dreamer


a nice poem with a great message, well done, well done:)

kmooney commented on day dreamer


A very good message for us all. I like the style. I have some similar poems myself. Thanks for sharing...K

SuSpence commented on day dreamer


This was beautiful Ty, I always liked your writing but this is a slight departure for you, like your writing is maturing. I enjoyed this one a lot. It reminds me of my recent write, dreaming of the moon and the stars. Wonderful. ~Spence



Thank you very much spence. I needed your wisdom and comments. I will keep writting and trying. Thank you again -ty

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

tynise1014’s Poems (7)

Title Comments
Title Comments
how can i love you 2
what life can be 1
day dreamer 4
posotive influences v.s. negative influences ( reference to columbine shooting) 1
starry night 3
always there 7
space 9