posotive influences v.s. negative influences ( reference to columbine shooting)


Poem Commentary

it depends on how you feel towards the poem. ummmmmmm............. well thats all i have for now i hope you enjoy it!

posotive influences v.s. negative influences ( reference to columbine shooting)

 How do you feel when you get in trouble?
Do you think it is posotive or negative?

Rachel was a positive person
killed in a negative way

when you hear and see negative things
you do negative things

when you hear and see posotive things
you do posotive things

you cant hear something posotive and then do something negative!

you cant hear something negative and do something posotive!

that messes up the balance of nature.

YOU can become good and make a posotive difference
but, you shouldnt become something bad and make a negative difference

YOu choose a side.............


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If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

tynise1014’s Poems (7)

Title Comments
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posotive influences v.s. negative influences ( reference to columbine shooting) 1
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