


A few years ago, my parents were arguing

It got uglier and uglier by the day

the hour

the minute

the very second

It just kept going and going until that one night

I was sound asleep in the big comfy green chair in our living room when

I woke up and heard these words "So are we getting a divorce or not?"

I wanted to keep my composure so I acted like I didn't hear anything

The next morning I asked my mom and dad if this could possibly be true

Sadly, they said "I'm afraid so", I was heart broken

My parents had been wanting one for years but never got around to it

Now they have signatures proving that it's over...

I love you guys

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carynontherhine commented on Signatures


Oh my, sounds like my life! omg! Recently my son who is also on site with me, has written comments about his childhood as he went throught this. I realize just how much it hurt him because then at that time he was always so indifferent to it all or so I thought. I am sorry that your parents have made this decision. Every relationship is existing against all odds. The ratio is very low of the ones that do last now adays. I loved this write and the title is very unique and creative. Very well done! Hugz



well thank you again for your support and criticism but i mean i have gotten used to the divorce still hurts but its been about three years

Smoogej1s commented on Signatures


I know dealing with your parents divorce must have been really difficult to overcome. But just remember, you have friends and family that love you, You have my church family, OUR church family that adores you in everything that you do. I know both your mom and your dad are extremely proud of you for the person you have become. Awesome poem,.



thank always know how to make me smile

HarverTomsson commented on Signatures


Distilling the process is instuctive: unresolved conflict, fateful decision, souvenier signatures. Oh, and a broken hearted kid. Don't leave that one out as unimportant. Harv



harv, thank you for your support and your really means alot to me...with me being a young poet not very well anyone means a alot to hear these comments all of you guys are keeps me going and just makes me want to write and write and keep thank you for your support

MindNumbing commented on Signatures


I'm fortunate that I never had to endure this. My kids are fortunate that they never will. The only words of comfort that I can offer is that you've have a wonderful family... and while they may be apart, you'll always have the love and support from both of them. And you know you've got a 2nd family who can provide that for you too ;) This is a great write, T... and the title is perfect. Awesome job!



Thank you so much! it means alot

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

Dinozzo’s Poems (11)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Creaks 2
Inner Demons 3
Family :) 1
Traditions 6
As years pass.... 6
Dead Ends 4
Signatures 4
Amen 3
The Warrior 0
Eulogy 2
Slideshows 3