

  • Religion
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  • Life


    This is used everyday

    As a sign of affirmation


    Is a word that can have many a meanings

    but one that is most important


    Can be used with good,


    and sad situations


    It is a universal word

    that can vary in strength


    But only one way,

    one way, to say it,

    but this way is the most common


    Amen, used in time of peace,

    also in time of war,

    and every time in between


    This word, so powerful,

    whenever said, it summons Him,


    His might, so powerful,

    it embodies you

    and steals every emotion you have ever had


    When this word, is said every Wednesday, Saturday, or Sunday,

    it brings in a new light, that was never there before,

    it feels so uplifting and spiritual,

    that you can't help but say it again


    Amen, for every situation,

    Amen, for all the days and nights, you bring us

    Amen, for everything that is said, and what is meant


    Amen, is an everyday word, so meaningful,

    and enchanting


    Amen, for this day and the next

    Amen, for love

    Amen, for hate

    Amen, for everything


    O, I say fair thee well as I take Him into my life,

    and accept His prescence


                                            And for this, I say "Amen"

    Poem Comments


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    carynontherhine commented on Amen


    A superbly written and powerful subject of Amen, How creative to think of a write regarding the word Amen! Never thought of that before. I love it. and yes after every summons I say amen. A lot of times without even realizing it I think I say amen. I love this write and how insightful you are! Hugz



    Thank you caryn..but see i wouldnt be this insightful if my gf hadnt have taken me to church when we first started dating....i have been going to church for 7 months now and i love it....the onlt time i miss it is when i have a family thing to do that weekend

    Smoogej1s commented on Amen


    Yet another awesome poem. I smiled the entire time I was reading this one..your poems have a sense of power to them. That draws people in to read. Again, I'm thankful that I took you to church with me.



    you nkow ecstatic that you took me to church with makes my sunday being with OUR church family

    ahardwalk commented on Amen


    I couldnt help but smile as i read this!! Amen for you writing this poem and the poems to come (soon)!!



    thank you very much!

    Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    Dinozzo’s Poems (11)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Creaks 2
    Inner Demons 3
    Family :) 1
    Traditions 6
    As years pass.... 6
    Dead Ends 4
    Signatures 4
    Amen 3
    The Warrior 0
    Eulogy 2
    Slideshows 3