self harm


self harm


digging nails into skin,
banging head into walls,
burning myself,
cutting wrists

are all things i have done
to self-harm,
to self-medicate
to numb myself

it gave me a sense of control
a way of dealing with my emotions

then sadness,
then self harm

i sometimes slip back into that viscious cycle,
i try not to
but sometimes i can't help it
i think i'm addicted

self harm can be as addicting as alcohol
or drugs
but people don't see it that way

they view it as

its a cry for help

someone please save me...

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Phission commented on self harm


the first steps have already been taken to save you. you are doing it yourself by writing great poetry. express yourself, lovely one. write, write , have something here.

dahlusion commented on self harm


this is laced with so much poetic pain—one must save them self from them self.

sk8erpoet commented on self harm


This is simply amazing. I for one can relate to this, on so many levels. If you need anything, you can talk to me. I want to help...stay strong.-sk8

jj1562 commented on self harm


Please come talk to me I'm a recovered cutter, and relapse is completely normal please don't feel ashamed of relapse. If you made it ten days next relapse shoot for 11 then 12 etc. Please come talk to me if you need ANYTHING! I have faith in you stay strong.



i've actually stopped cutting, but i wanted to go back to that feeling without actually going back to cutting

When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

emilyAKAninja’s Poems (35)

Title Comments
Title Comments
i hate you 1
ways of suicide 1
waiting, waited, gone 0
that girl 0
self harm 4
depression 0
the blade 0
suicide 1
betrayed 0
you're a disease 0
stay away from him 0
never going back 0
when i die 0
in your room 3
my allegory in the cave 1
an artists philosophy 0
favorite mistake 0
you make me angry 0
wasted time 0
was it all a lie? 0
difference between you and him 0
emily 0
maybe 0
august 18, 2009 0
black 0
one window is all i need 1
is it time? 1
your friend 0
my weakness 0
scissors 0
what if 1
falling down 1
you know its real 0
untitled 0
why my love 0