Saidless Words


  • Sadness

    Saidless Words

    I'm going to ride this bus on the road that leads out of your life
    Looking back with tears in my eyes I see her standing by your side
    Without so much as a wave goodbye
    My world disappears then I break down and cry
    I’m trying so hard to win you back
    You shake your head and my world turns black
    So once again I’m running so far away right back out of your life
    Fighting to hold these tears inside
    I wish you were here to hold me again, maybe for just one night
    To feel your arms around me to make my world bright
    But wishes never come true
    Needless to say I’ll never have you
    I’ll never feel your warm embrace
    Never again will I wake to see your face
    I’ll never again stay up late only to lose sleep just to hear your voice
    I didn’t want this but then again do I have a choice?
    I’ll have to live with this, this torture everyday
    I’ll never get to hear those words I’m dying to hear you say

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    laydbak1 commented on Saidless Words


    An age old theme, but it always digs deep and hits so hard when it's you that's wrapped up in it... It never gets easy this - rejection reflection... nice write on it...

    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    Unsane’s Poems (14)

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