"My president is black"


  • Political

    "My president is black"

    They say with age comes wisdom,they say time heals all wounds. Now the time has come for some of our wounds to be healed. My president is black,he comes from the same ancestor all blacks come from. He represents change,wisdom,and power. He has the wisdom of a knight,his words are as powerful as a shield that protectsus blacks as a race. His courage stronger than the forbidden truth that lay deep beneath the dark ravishing society we live in today. My president represents America,and the belief that we as a people can change the world to become what it needs to be. My president is black,bold,and strong. My president represents the fight in the eye of the tiger,puting together miracles to change the world from this scary unforgiven monster that its been made into over centuries. My president is beautiful like the long black,thick,hair of our african ancestors. My president will bring change,he will make ways for my family kids,I & the world. When you see my president the first thing you see is his skin,but that does not matter. What matters is that he's trying to make a better place of change in this legacy. My president is black.

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    nonners commented on "My president is black"


    i loved this poem i may not be black but obama to me stands for all i believe,and i swell with pride atthe sight of this read well done

    mufasa commented on "My president is black"


    I like this,it speaks of how proud you are and how far you have come.Keep writing ,there is power in the words.

    bluewolf commented on "My president is black"


    Well said. I hope that Obama can implement all the ideas that he has spoken of into strengthening our country. He has much upon his shoulders and thus far has shown impressive character in handling what would most certainly be considered a probmatic administration. My family and I pray each day for his health, well being and safety. If given the chance I truely do believe he can achieve all that you spoke of in your poem. Excellent work!

    MrGee commented on "My president is black"


    EXCELLENT and i agree with everything you have said concerning President Obama. Of course, its still early to tell what affect has had on the economy. And lets hope he makes the world a better place to live.

    Bethane1978 commented on "My president is black"


    Nice. You show great appreciation for our president. Im sure if he read it he would feel honored.

    Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    Mrpoetry87’s Poems (14)

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    "Our love brought me down" 6
    "Blinded by birth" 3
    "My Shoes" 8
    "The one I wish was mines" 12
    "My president is black" 7
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    "My president is black" 15