Prison Songs


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    Prison Songs

    Deep within the belly of the beast
    cries of agony overwhelm me
    freedom is just a wish away
    set up facing 25 years to life
    when it should be 25 years till death
    Heart broken, lonely, ahamed
    and of course...scared
    I know you are innocent
    wrongly covicted of being born
    into a whiteman's world
    visiting room is filled with folk
    seeking to uplift a dying soul
    keys jingle as master checks on
    his newly found possessions
    feet pacing back and forth
    minds always creating
    beautiful poetry and art work
    mind seeking escape from this plantation
    ships didn't bring you here this time
    yet, you still ened on the auction block
    12 of your peers convicted you
    you never hung in the streets with them
    how can they tell the truth from a lie?
    Yes,they can incarcerate your body
    but....Never your mind
    prisons are modern day plantations
    where slavery never dies
    I hear your cries
    I feel your pain
    I hear your voice singing
    always singing those
    ....prison songs

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    optimistic commented on Prison Songs


    I'm hearing your words yet never understood before now as a man striking reality of life has sunk in and I realize that no one is different from anyone else and for someone to be imprisoned for the wrong I have grief and pain for. Good write.



    Thank you so much. my son is locked up so this is something I had to write.

    Serenity1225 commented on Prison Songs


    vivid..... uplifting.....reality intersects with creativity i am most definitely a fan of your work! keep expressing, creating, keep being!



    May God always Bless you in all you do. Thank you so much!!

    TheLastPoet commented on Prison Songs


    "Yes,they can incarcerate your body but....Never your mind prisons are modern day plantations where slavery never dies" TRUTH SPEAKS... these are more than words on a poetry site



    why Thank you so much, I have to write more often. thank you for your words of wisdom!!!

    Kalonji commented on Prison Songs


    Wow I Luv It



    thank you so much

    Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    EbonyQueen48’s Poems (9)

    Title Comments
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    Getting Buck Wild 3
    Lord, Save The Children 1
    The Willie Lynch Syndrome 4
    History Lesson 8
    Loving Me.....Finall
    Suicidal Rampage 2
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