Getting Buck Wild


  • Erotic

    Getting Buck Wild

    My man & I had a terrible fight
    I knew I was going out that night
    I drank 5 bottles of Colt 45
    I knew some man was going to be my prize
    I entered the club with style and grace
    Trying to find a handsome face
    I spotted this guy sitting in the corner
    Fine Ass Brother, I jumped right on him
    He asked me my name and I replied "Desire"
    Yeah, my lovebox was hotter than fire
    He asked me to dance and I replied"yes'
    After awhile his hand was under my dress
    I knew that people were stopping and staring
    Right at that point, I really wasn't caring
    I grinded his fingers hard and long
    They was playing "Sex Me" my favorite song
    He fondled me right on the dance floor
    I screamed, moaned and begged for more
    He sucked my neck till it was black & blue
    Then he smiled and said "Now here's part two"
    He jumped on me and gave me a thrill
    He felt so good I couldn't keep still
    Poeple were staring saying "She has no style"
    I replied " Oh, What The Hell, I'm Getting Buck Wild"

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    1990lh commented on Getting Buck Wild


    ha ha wow great poem like that girl keep it up geat write

    sederson commented on Getting Buck Wild


    Dam girl, where were you when I was running the streets?

    alreedus commented on Getting Buck Wild


    Sometimes you must let loose. I am proud of you!! Please read my verse on Silk Enchantment. Its message is very similar. Thank you. -Alan

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    EbonyQueen48’s Poems (9)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    A Crack Addict's Prayer 5
    Getting Buck Wild 3
    Lord, Save The Children 1
    The Willie Lynch Syndrome 4
    History Lesson 8
    Loving Me.....Finall
    Suicidal Rampage 2
    Finding Me...... 4
    Prison Songs 4